Thursday 15 August 2013

6: 10 Existing Ideas

1. Item Carrier ( with wheels )

This item carrier allows the elderly to place his/her items in it and it can aid in walking at the same time.
It has 4 wheels which makes the pushing of this item carrier easier for the elderly. This item carrier seems like in weight which makes it easier for the elderly to carry around.

2. Wheelchair ( with basket )

This wheelchair allows the elderly who has trouble walking to sit and rest and travel to places. Also, the elderly can put items in the basket so that they do not have to carry the items. This wheelchair has a controller to move around. This makes it easier for the elderly to use. 

3. Trolley ( with chair )

This trolley benefits the elderly with its multiple functions. The trolley has a cushion which allows the elderly to sit and take a rest. At the same time, items can be placed in the space below the cushion. The elderly can also push the trolley to aid in walking.

4. Basket


The basket allows elderly to place their items in it to make it easier to carry more items with ease. The basket is light in weight which benefits the elderly as it is easier to carry around.

5. Wheelchair with basket


This wheelchair allows elderly that has trouble in walking to move to places and at the same time, place items needed to be carried on the basket. This makes carrying items more convenient for the elderly.

6. Walker with basket and chair


This walker supports the elderly to make walking easier with the wheels and the handle for gripping. There is also a basket that allows the elderly to place items needed to be carried in it and there is a space where by the elderly can sit down to take a rest.

7. Bag holder



This bag holder elderly to put multiple bags in the holder and allows them to carry all the plastic bag with just one grip.

8. Item carrier machine with controller



This machine allows users to place many items on it and can be controlled using a controller. It can be very helpful to elderly as it only requires them to control the controller instead of having to carry all the items which can be physically tiring for them.

9. Trolley with rotating wheels

This trolley is very useful as it allows users to pull this trolley as they climb up the stairs easily with the help of its rotating wheels. This benefits the elderly as they do not need to lift the trolley up as they climb the stairs. The trolley also comes in many different designs.

10. Item carrier + Walker

This item carrier allows elderly to place items needed to be carried in the bag and the walker allows elderly to support themselves and makes walking for them easier and more convenient. The wheels also allow the elderly to push the carrier with ease

Wednesday 14 August 2013

5: Challenges / Problem

Identified problem:

Elderly having difficulty carrying heavy items

What do you intend to do? ( Design Brief ):

Design and make an item that will help the elderly to be able to carry heavy items or belongings without any difficulty

What could your solution be like? ( Design Specification )

The item should be able to support the weight of the items the elderly is carrying
The item should be portable and easy to carry around to make it more convenient for the elderly
The item should have a rough surface to allow the elderly to have a better grip on the item and to prevent them from dropping the items.

Thursday 25 July 2013

4: Elderly Grocery Shopping ( Scenario ) BDA

01. Enter the shopping mall
02. Walk around the shopping mall
03. Spots a supermarket
04. Enter the supermarket to buy some groceries
05. Grab a basket by the entrance to put groceries in
06. Walk around the supermarket to look for the items required
07. Browse through the many different items on the shelves
08. Bends down to look at items
09. Grabs item and place it in the basket
10. Walk around to look for more items
11. Spots needed item that is placed on the shelf that is unreachable
12. Tiptoe to reach out for the item
13. Place the item in the basket
14. Place more items into the basket
15. Carry basket full of groceries to the cashier
16. Queue up at the counter
17. Lift up basket to place it on the counter
20. Opens bag and look for wallet
21. Take wallet out and take out the amount needed to buy the groceries
22. Gives money to the cashier
23. Takes items that were placed in plastic bags that are quite heavy in weight √
24. Exits the supermarket

Chosen challenge for the elderly: Carrying heavy items

Thursday 18 July 2013

3: Elderly > 60 Needs Analysis

Observe (O):
What do you see in the image?
Where did it take place?
What are the people doing?
What things are there and what they are for
Intepret (I):
Why are the things there?
What possible human behaviour can you describe from the scenario?
Why are the people doing those actions?
Describe a possible story behind the picture
Imagine (I):
What questions do you have with regards to the scenario?
What needs can arise from the scenario? ( PIES )
What does it make you wonder? ( I wonder .... )


Physical Needs:

- I see elderly man walking up the sloped pavement. I also see a student and an elderly woman walking down the pavement.
- It takes place at an open space and near a HDB building
- The people in the picture are walking and the elderly man looks like he is having a hard time walking up the pavement
- There are railings along the pavement. They are for people especially elderlies to support themselves while walking.

- The railings are there to help people who require support.
- People like elderlies are holding the railings while walking.
- They are holding the railings as they have difficulty walking and require support to walk.
- The elderly man is going home and he is having a hard time walking and is holding the railings to support himself and to stabilize himself.

- I wonder if he is having a hard time walking for long distances
- The elderly might need support to walk ( Physical needs )
- I wonder if the elderly man has a walking stick to support himself to be able to walk better.

Intellectual Needs:

- I see an elderly man and large area to play chess.
- It takes place outdoors and near a place with a lot of trees which resembles a forest.
- The elderly man is playing chess. He is picking up a chess piece and walking to a tile to place the chess piece.
- There is a chess board for people to play. It is for people especially elderlies to play chess, which also helps them to exercise and keep fit by walking from tile to tile to place the chess piece.

- The chess board is there so that people can play chess and keep fit at the same time
- There will be 2 people that are playing chess.
- They are playing chess to entertain themselves, kill time, exercise and spent time with their friends of family
- The old man is taking a stroll outside and spots a chess area, he decided to play to entertain himself

-  I wonder where this place is at and I wonder if the chess pieces are heavy
- The elderly might need support to walk ( Physical needs ), the elderly might want some source of entertainment ( Intellectual needs )
- I wonder where this place is located at.

Emotional Needs:

- I see a group of children posing with an elderly woman who looks like their grandmother.
- It takes place at what looks like a home or a hospital.
- The people in the photo looks like they are celebrating an event ( birthday ) with the elderly woman.
- There is a large chair for the elderly woman to sit on and flowers for the elderly woman as a present.

- Items such as the chair are there so that the elderly could sit
- The elderly woman and the children are celebrating.
- It might be the elderly woman's birthday and they are celebrating it
- The children came to visit their grandmother to cheer her up and celebrate her birthday. The elderly woman is pleased and very happy

- I wonder how the children are related to the elderly woman and I wonder what kind of celebration are they having
- The elderly might need support to walk and a chair to rest ( Physical needs ), she might also want to celebrate with her family ( Social needs ), she might also want some source of entertainment ( Intellectual needs ), celebrating an event might make her happy as well ( Emotional needs )
- I wonder if the rest of her family are present.

Social Needs:

- I see two elderly ladies laughing happily
- It takes place at what looks like their home
- The people looks elated while reading a card
- There is a sofa for the elderly women to sit and rest.

- The chair is for them to sit and rest
- They are reading a card that their family sent or are laughing at a joke
- They are laughing as they find the card funny or they are happy
- One of the elderly woman's children sent her a greeting card and she is sharing the joy with her friend

- Are the elderlies good friends with each other?
- They might need the chair to rest ( Physical needs )
- I wonder if the women have a caring and loving family

Thursday 11 July 2013

2: Future Handphone

This phone design is very simple yet classy. It looks small and very light in weight.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

1 : My Phone


                                                                 Sony Ericsson Xperia Play.

Good features : The good features of the phone is that it allows users to play games that can only be played on the PSP and it has quite a large amount of memory space.

What can be improved: The quality of the camera should be better, the camera should have a zoom feature and the phone should be lighter in weight. The phone should also have a longer battery life.