Thursday 25 July 2013

4: Elderly Grocery Shopping ( Scenario ) BDA

01. Enter the shopping mall
02. Walk around the shopping mall
03. Spots a supermarket
04. Enter the supermarket to buy some groceries
05. Grab a basket by the entrance to put groceries in
06. Walk around the supermarket to look for the items required
07. Browse through the many different items on the shelves
08. Bends down to look at items
09. Grabs item and place it in the basket
10. Walk around to look for more items
11. Spots needed item that is placed on the shelf that is unreachable
12. Tiptoe to reach out for the item
13. Place the item in the basket
14. Place more items into the basket
15. Carry basket full of groceries to the cashier
16. Queue up at the counter
17. Lift up basket to place it on the counter
20. Opens bag and look for wallet
21. Take wallet out and take out the amount needed to buy the groceries
22. Gives money to the cashier
23. Takes items that were placed in plastic bags that are quite heavy in weight √
24. Exits the supermarket

Chosen challenge for the elderly: Carrying heavy items

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