Thursday 18 July 2013

3: Elderly > 60 Needs Analysis

Observe (O):
What do you see in the image?
Where did it take place?
What are the people doing?
What things are there and what they are for
Intepret (I):
Why are the things there?
What possible human behaviour can you describe from the scenario?
Why are the people doing those actions?
Describe a possible story behind the picture
Imagine (I):
What questions do you have with regards to the scenario?
What needs can arise from the scenario? ( PIES )
What does it make you wonder? ( I wonder .... )


Physical Needs:

- I see elderly man walking up the sloped pavement. I also see a student and an elderly woman walking down the pavement.
- It takes place at an open space and near a HDB building
- The people in the picture are walking and the elderly man looks like he is having a hard time walking up the pavement
- There are railings along the pavement. They are for people especially elderlies to support themselves while walking.

- The railings are there to help people who require support.
- People like elderlies are holding the railings while walking.
- They are holding the railings as they have difficulty walking and require support to walk.
- The elderly man is going home and he is having a hard time walking and is holding the railings to support himself and to stabilize himself.

- I wonder if he is having a hard time walking for long distances
- The elderly might need support to walk ( Physical needs )
- I wonder if the elderly man has a walking stick to support himself to be able to walk better.

Intellectual Needs:

- I see an elderly man and large area to play chess.
- It takes place outdoors and near a place with a lot of trees which resembles a forest.
- The elderly man is playing chess. He is picking up a chess piece and walking to a tile to place the chess piece.
- There is a chess board for people to play. It is for people especially elderlies to play chess, which also helps them to exercise and keep fit by walking from tile to tile to place the chess piece.

- The chess board is there so that people can play chess and keep fit at the same time
- There will be 2 people that are playing chess.
- They are playing chess to entertain themselves, kill time, exercise and spent time with their friends of family
- The old man is taking a stroll outside and spots a chess area, he decided to play to entertain himself

-  I wonder where this place is at and I wonder if the chess pieces are heavy
- The elderly might need support to walk ( Physical needs ), the elderly might want some source of entertainment ( Intellectual needs )
- I wonder where this place is located at.

Emotional Needs:

- I see a group of children posing with an elderly woman who looks like their grandmother.
- It takes place at what looks like a home or a hospital.
- The people in the photo looks like they are celebrating an event ( birthday ) with the elderly woman.
- There is a large chair for the elderly woman to sit on and flowers for the elderly woman as a present.

- Items such as the chair are there so that the elderly could sit
- The elderly woman and the children are celebrating.
- It might be the elderly woman's birthday and they are celebrating it
- The children came to visit their grandmother to cheer her up and celebrate her birthday. The elderly woman is pleased and very happy

- I wonder how the children are related to the elderly woman and I wonder what kind of celebration are they having
- The elderly might need support to walk and a chair to rest ( Physical needs ), she might also want to celebrate with her family ( Social needs ), she might also want some source of entertainment ( Intellectual needs ), celebrating an event might make her happy as well ( Emotional needs )
- I wonder if the rest of her family are present.

Social Needs:

- I see two elderly ladies laughing happily
- It takes place at what looks like their home
- The people looks elated while reading a card
- There is a sofa for the elderly women to sit and rest.

- The chair is for them to sit and rest
- They are reading a card that their family sent or are laughing at a joke
- They are laughing as they find the card funny or they are happy
- One of the elderly woman's children sent her a greeting card and she is sharing the joy with her friend

- Are the elderlies good friends with each other?
- They might need the chair to rest ( Physical needs )
- I wonder if the women have a caring and loving family

1 comment:

  1. An excellent piece of work done. Thoughtful and insightful
